(At Jeff and Katie's engagement party, Lindsey had that cazoo-trumpet-thing the whole night. And Chaz had that beard and man-look about him since puberty. None of this has any significance to the blog, I just like the picture.)
Have you noticed that people don't look at each other... on the street or whatever when you walk by? Or smile at each other? It is so awkward. You're both thinking, "Well this is awkward... do I say hi? Why would I say hi? Do I look at them? Are they looking at me? Do I nod? Oh my gosh this is so awkward, we're about to pass... What do I do, what do I do?! Fiddle with something, Kelley, look at your cell phone! Something, ANYTHING!!! AGH! We passed each other... Finally. It's over. That was rough. I hope I never have to do that again." Anyway, I've noticed it and its so awkward... of course, I've been told many times its me who is awkward, but I think I just feel the awkwardness to a higher degree and I'm not afraid to talk about it. So, I think either we should put a wall along every sidewalk and street dividing the right and left sides or... start saying hi or just smiling at each other... you know, acknowledge the other awkward person's existence.
What's going on in heeeeer, you ask. Well, let's see...
First and foremost, the most amazing two men to ever live miraculously saved my pour little computer charger. A mouse, allegedly (I can probably get sued for libel on this thing so I should be careful), ate through my power chord which I just replaced. It was dead, done, a la muerte (whatever that means). But last night, Jeff messed around with it and decided he was going to try and fix it. So, he and Pete did a little surgery and a little metal work and it's all better. Works perfectly. They are amazing. Also, Pete is 5-0 in his Fifa season. I watched all the Planet Earth's... I love earth. Jeff and I were having a really hard time convincing Pete to come play Halo with us the other night, so after about 10 minutes of unsuccessful convincing, I grabbed his legs, jeff grabbed his shoulder, and we carried him downstairs... it was funny. Let's see, let's see... Katrina, Linds and Brit just got back from a road trip to California. They were going to come back through Las Vegas but tried to miss a storm by going through Pheonix and you know what happened? (If you guess, it will be more fun). (No, seriously just pause for a minute and guess). The storm went through Pheonix, not Las Vegas, and they got delayed. Also there was this guy at a bar'n'grill that looked like Santana, but played a wood thing and covered that song that goes "a little bit of monica na na blah, a little bit of..." You should really ask Brit to tell you that story cause it's funny. Lindsey has two more weeks of employment, then she and Katie are going to London to visit our friend Maggie. After she gets back, Linds will be one of those percentages you see on the front page of the newspaper telling you how wonderfully humble our economy is... If you work for an organization doing cool things, give her a call. I can be a reference. Chaz's beard is epic. Mel is now in Sao Paulo Brazil. She is doing well and is having lots of adventures... Check out her every one of her 906,839,411 pictures on facebook. I watched Planet Earth so I'm pretty much an expert on animals now... speaking of Planet Earth for the second time, there is a part in either the mountains one or the plains one where it's talking about wild ass (donkeys) - I'm in class and I just laughed out loud thinking about this part - and they just word things weird... check it out. Last night, Kiley chewed on a tennis ball for over an hour. It was really gross. She squeezes it repeatedly and it makes this squishy noise... Pete and Lindsey loved it the most (I am lying).
Oh I do have a personal accomplishment I want to brag about... So there's a joke around the house about my guitar skills being less than... umm... I guess "musician" status. So I always tell Pete that if Speakeasy Tiger needs a little help or someone to tour with, I could work it out in my schedule... you know jokes like that. Anyway, Jeff leads worship at First Pres in Boulder sometimes and about two weeks ago he was heading that whole deal up. He asked me if I wanted to give it a shot. I did and so I played guitar in front of probably 700 people. It was super. Just super. Thanks so much Jeff. Brandon (Jeff's bro), Carter (Brando's friend - he plays percussion with Brandon in HelloPanda), Stephanie Ault (Pete's friend and Piano/Singer/Songwriter master), Pete (roommate and piano extraordinaire), Jeff (guitar maestro) and I performed some diddies. It was so much fun.
Tonight we celebrated Pete's birthday (real one was Sunday and for those of you who were scammed on Facebook, Feb 8th is his actual birthday). 20-something people came over for dinner and games. It was a blast. Thanks to everyone that came, we enjoyed (and always do) having you in our home. Come back soon.
I'm so glad Pete is my friend.
Hey Britt-fu writes a blog. It's sick (thats slang for dope which is slang for marijuana). All that serious stuff I can't express in writing, she can. And, she is pretty much the cutest th... most rugged thing I've ever seen. All I'm saying is Brit, you're wonderful.
Duke Wellington.
Ahhh... it's good to be back.
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