

We have changed the date to our shindig.  It will be on Friday April 3rd.  Same time (except only in the past of what would have been the future shindig that would have existed, but will now be earlier but still in our present future that we will be in soon).  Same place (as far as earth coordinates go, but not in our solar system, galaxy, or universe(s?)).  Hopefully this will only help you come, not hinder you.  But it's like I always say, sometimes the cat just has to be put in the bag you know?  

Don't be square, be there. (I always say this too ever since... well you know that saying "be there or be square"?  It was actually a Hustla Original, but was stolen from me on the playground at Belleview Elementary by Phil McPhFilips.  I'm sorry, I don't usually get this emotional... it's just hard to talk about).  


An Event to Name Subsequent Events After

People of the blog... 

First, I apologize for my lack of updating lately.  There is absolutely no excuse for my lack of commitment and effort.  I humbly apologize and ask only that you continue to hang on my every word and to check back every day as religiously as you all have.

Second, I will not be updating you tonight very much.

Third, I will soon.

Fourth, I have something else to talk about.

Fifth, I will now talk about it... Coming up on the second Friday of April, we're going to be having a shindig.  The purpose is to talk about community.  Last year, maybe thirty people got together to discuss the importance of community, what genuine community looks like and how it can be grown.  And to just hang out with you and play some games.  So yeah, we are doing that again and you are invited.

So the schedule is first and foremost to feed us all.  Then we're thinking about some games, including the famous flollyball (which I have never played but people say it's pretty unbelievable).  And then to hang out and explore the concept of community.  

Friday April 10th
6:30 (dinner is served) - we'd never put a cap on something this fun
At the house (3205 Josephine St.  Denver, CO 80205)
Questions: kelbirsch@hotmail.com