What to say... what to say?
First, the house is still a go for another year. Right now, Brittney, Kelley, Chaz, Mary, Robby Cella and Anna Koclanes will be carrying the torch. Next year's peop's are getting together to kind of crank out our ideas for next year and trying to get to know each other.
Here are a few things to know about Robby and Anna: Anna is Katrina's older sister. Robby went to college with Chaz and they've been friends since high school or earlier... a long time. Anna has spent the last two years working as a teacher in Baton Rouge for Teach for America. Robby has a beard right now and looks ubber-manly (sexy). I'm excited to live with another Koclanes because they are the weirdest family I've ever met. And Bob is someone I know I will learn a lot from. More on them will be coming.
SHIT. (I just wanted to do that... I've been at work all day and just feel this anxious need to make a lot of commotion).
In the coming weeks, you will be hearing from the other members of the house. Each of them (especially jeff) will be blogging about something they want to say about the last year. You will also be hearing from the new members as well as some people who have been intimately involved in what we've done. I'm really excited about this because it will really put a unique picture of the house you guys haven't seen since only I've blogged.
There's only 20 days left of the current house :( It's been a truly amazing year.
Speakeasy Tiger had a CD Release show last night. Their new album,
The Public, is now out. They've worked really hard on it the last year and it is seriously a great album. And look at their tour schedule because their shows are incredible. This pic is from their show at the Denver Pride Fest.

I frickin love these people... the house really would not have been the same without them here so much. Brittney was told she has a very nice yoga practice... expect to see her teaching yoga at your studio sometime in the next year. Katie and Jeff are all set to be married in the next month. We tried on the "Halo" tux's the other day and you should show up to see the boys if nothing else... I mean other than the bride of course. Kat face and Al face are also getting set up for their wedding. Katrina has faced the most ridiculous crap in trying to get a venue, but they've finally got it all figured out. Mary still makes us laugh. It's crazy hot in this house... summer kind of blows like that though. If I was going to say there is one thing that is my sworn enemy, it's heat. I got a job at Costco... it's good for me right now, but it really makes me want to pursue my dreams as much as I can. Apparently I have a dance move that Brittney thinks is crazy good... yet I have no idea how I did it or what exactly I did... it's the phantom dance move. Jeff got a hair cut. It's short and he looks more grown up. Katie can't seem to keep her hands off (don't tell her I told you). We had a low-key Fourth of July get-t0-gether. Jeff b-b-qed and some peop's came over. Brittney tricked the girls with a fake poo next to their toilet. It was a glutten-free chocolate bar... they got pretty freaked out. Katrina decided not to apply to med school next year. This weekend the house is going to a cabin in the mountains... We're so excited for it and we're hoping it becomes a yearly reunion with us and the newer us's.

I got a new, OLD truck. It's my dream car. It's a 1976 Ford F-150 in incredible condition. I've got the truck and the dog, now I just need a job at a ranch and I'm set. I really want to get out of the city... but not for another year I guess.
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