Yeah, so we got a new printer. People spent some time with their families for Christmas. Other people went out of town and then came back. We haven't washed our sofa cover since September. Kiley has a rash. Tonight we are having caesar salad for dinner. Jason (a house crony), Chaz, Jeff and I found out we didn't own the movie we had planned on watching for guys night (Fight Club) and then could not find our second option (Boondock Saints) we were positive we did own. My fly is down. We seem to have lost all of our dish towels... or they have been stolen (If you have any information, please go to and make a report). Mel sold her computer. A lamp sitting in the main room has been there since moving, yet has never been plugged in.
Quote of the hour:
"Things aren't just going to plop in your little un-zippered pants, Kelley." - Mel
Quote of the week:
"The world doesn't need people." - Jefe
How'd you like to see everyone's face that lives here? I knew you would....
Pete is a rock star with pants to prove it (Go to one of his band's shows to see them - - the pants I mean, although the band is definitely worth seeing as well).
This is Jeff, and in order to make sure Katie is always a part of his life, he ate her.
This is Mary, and she loves food.
Umm... I'm not sure who this is
This is Brittney (or Brit or Brit-Fu or Funky Fuster or... she's got a lot of nicknames) and Chaz, aka Mac 'N' Chaz.
Melanie, Mel, or Melsie (she loves uneaten turkey legs, and was obviously disappointed when she found this one)
Katrina and her soon-to-be husband and her recently-became fiance, Alan
Me, known best as "Kelley" (What? Really? Huh, no one has ever told me that's a girl's name before.)
And our doggie! Kiwwweeyy!! (Kiley)
Kelley, I loved this post. You are the best!!! :)
You didnt tell people about our engagement?
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